

It's About My English Conversation Journey




The weekly theme is... something I'm practicing.

I started learning English two years ago because I joined a foreign company. I understand it's not an easy journey, but I must try to improve my skills.

This relates to a promise with my friends from Indonesia when I was in university. At that time, we made a promise that we would be able to talk with each other in English someday. My English skills are not high now. In school, we had no opportunities to use all the words we learned in English classes.

Maybe I guessed that I would never need to use it in my life. However, many coworkers speak English well in my company. I feel anxious about my future and my career.

Japan is an island country. So, we have less opportunity to talk with foreigners compared to other countries, I think. But it will become more important to interact with them in terms of collaboration. I don't want to miss the boat on studying it.

Now, I am taking an English lesson four times a month. It's not cheap on my current salary. When I studied another language, I didn't pay any money. I hadn't anticipated needing to pay such a cost.

I have to increase my confidence in English skills through experience. So, I should create opportunities to use it outside of lessons. Two weeks ago, I attended an event that gathered many English speakers. As I expected, I almost couldn't catch their words. That was a fantastic experience, just like entering a new world for the first time.

First of all, I should be able to talk with them at a natural speed. By doing so, I can attend events like it and improve my skills in daily conversation.