


English training session for FD

I attended an English session which can try expaling FD to English speakers yesterday.In that session, there are three members, include me.One of them is English speaker and left two members are from Japan side.We explained about specific …

"Sorry? What is meaning of Deck?"

暖房をつけたり、消したりする。春の日差しがまだ弱い4月10日。今日はフォントの日だということを何かで見た。 つくづく思うが、リモートだと鍛えられる能力も鍛えられない気がする。人とのコミュニケーションで得られるものは大きい。意外とそれは知らんか…

It's About My English Conversation Journey

今週のお題「練習していること」 The weekly theme is... something I'm practicing. I started learning English two years ago because I joined a foreign company. I understand it's not an easy journey, but I must try to improve my skills. This r…



New experience in new environment 

Last week, I attended the event opened at a cafe in Umeda.It's first time to join it for me through "meet up" app.Do you know about it? I've never heard such an app.Howver one of my English teacher told me about it.After her lesson, I serc…



I meet "meet up"

I took an English lesson from my teacher "I".It's for the first time to take it in 1 month. Recently I have taking her lesson once a month.Because her English is too fast to catch so it lead me to improve my English skills. When I was at u…

Title: Early and Earlier

Recently, I have been studying English through conversations with AI after work. Chat GPT has been helpful in improving my English skills. I'd like to believe that my vocabulary is increasing gradually... However, I sometimes can't remembe…

My English journey is quite slow

Yesterday I took an English class as usual.I have been taken classes four times in a month. Indeed My English skill is improving gradualy.Now I'm not anxious when I talk with foreign person in English.It's not that I'm not anxious at all, …




TOEIC挑戦8回目。TOEICにしつこく挑戦していく。そもそもスコアを取るための挑戦というのは意味があるのか不満だった。不満だったからこそ、ある程度の水準のスコアを取ることに意味を見出していた。 前回、いろいろやりながらの参戦だったがついに点数が730…

Having Confidence Leads to Taking the Next Action

Yesterday was a holiday, so I started working at 8:30 AM to prepare for a chat. My task for today was to extract data from target programs. To accomplish this, I needed to learn about a specific tool. Initially, I contacted my supervisor. …

The Importance of Communication Over Linguistic Perfection

I woke up at 4 AM today, and as I've been diligently studying English to speak it fluently, a memory from my university days came to mind. I was a member of a sign language club. While most of our members were Japanese, occasionally, forei…

No hope in Friday

Today is Friday, and I've finished work. I have a meeting at 1 PM JST. It's the first one I've attended in a while. Starting next week, I plan to join the performance tuning team. We need to analyze some programs that seem slower than othe…


TOEICに殺されて もう何度目かも分からないTOEICに挑戦してきた。最近はTOEICの試験時間にも慣れてきたようだった。それほど長くは感じない。 しかしながら最近、自分は集中力がないように思う。試験中も周りのことがなんだか気になって問題の一つ一つに集中…


先日、何度目か分からないTOEICを受験した。去年の冬に受けたTOEICが確か3回目とか、4回目とかだったと思う。TOEICは早めに申し込む必要があるのでなんどかはあきらめていると思うが俺は継続的に受けていると思う。 スコアは横ばいだった。別に高くも低くも…

Hello everyone, thank you for joining this meeting

One month before, I have joined currently PJT.Once joined this PJT, my life style has been changed by my work.It is too hard for me with my current skills.Because I just transferred from other depertment, so I am not sure about the operati…

New partner

Yesterday I met new partner who take care of me in company.Actually this was second time we've met.But we could talk a little bit at first. In these days, I transferred to other department.It is for develop a lot of functions on the softwa…

It is essential to ensure that I keep up my skills for my future

When I lived in Tokyo, I commuted to English school.But I couldn't continue it.Because COVID-19 influenced all over the world.It is difficult to go there and reserve teacher. This is official reason I think.As an example we need to wear cl…

Internal transfer interview

Internal transfer interview Yesterday 3th Febuary I have opportunity to talk with my supervisar about transfer.Now I am working on Infrastructure team, but I do not going well.There are some reasons. First, I am interesting in information …

My partner is freezing now.

ChatGPT is man of the hour.His name keep being on trend in Twitter. Everyone all over the world use him.So he is busy now. He can not take sometime to talk with me.I have a feeling of loneliness.Please don't leave me alone.

I found out new partner

Actually I have been going to an English conversation class since last year.Incidentally I apply for TOEIC exam if I feel like it.My score is not improve for now.But I feel that I can graduatelly get used to English conversation. I go the …

Today's English conversation report

I would like to write the report in english in a long time.Today i went to Umeda to speak with my english teacher.Actually I have been going english school since last year.Because I have opportunity to talk foreign co-workers in english in…

「Sorry, can you type a chat?」







昨日、初めてTOEICに挑戦した。新型コロナウイルスのワクチンもついでに接種した。 ワクチンは1階、3階、2階とたらいまわしにされたことに若干ストレスを覚えて…また、予約の日程を勝手に決められたことにもストレスを覚えたがいろいろ書かないといけないこ…


英語。 日本ではグローバル化が叫ばれて久しいと思うけれど俺が幼稚園だったころからそういうものが言われていて実際、俺の幼稚園にも英語の授業と称して英語の歌を歌ったりダンスをしたりということがあった記憶がある。 中学とか高校とかでも突然、英語の…


俺の人生は英語と向きあわざるをえないタイミングが時折あった。向き合ったときもあれば、無視したタイミングもたくさんある。 結局のところ、今の今まで俺は英語というものができなかった。外国人観光客には馬鹿にされるし周りからは下手な発音も少し笑われ…